Our opening hours - from 2 June 2021

Dinner: Seven days a week starting at 6 p.m.
Closed at lunch time
For special events we will open for you at any time.

Please make your reservation either by email, phone or online.

Office time for reservation by phone are from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. After 6 p.m. we can only answer requests by phone if we are not too busy in service. For this we ask for your understanding.

Saint Valentine's Menu on Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Menu price for two persons 94,00 €

Black Angus cattle – natural, regional husbandry  


At the beginning of September 2020, we visited a cattle farmer in Abtsgmünd, half an hour behind Schwäbisch Gmünd. He has his herd of Black Angus cattle in the Schlierbach Valley, a nature reserve there.

Outdoors all year round, only grass and the water from the Schlierbach as food, no fattening feed.

On the pasture we met strong-muscled, trusting cattle with shiny black coats.

That convinced us.

We gradually offer all parts of this beef on our menu in a wide variety of preparations.


The first calf is sold: various preparations of brother calf, which we get from a Demeter farm of the Bäuerliche Erzeugergenossenschaft Schwäbisch Hall.

We received a cut calf from a Demeter farm in Hohenlohe.

  • Species-appropriate cow-bound rearing: All calves are born on a dairy farm and are allowed to drink from the mother’s/ammy’s udder for at least three months. They also always have access to water and grass or hay.

  • Fraternal calves grow up in the herd, so they always have social contact with conspecifics.

  • Organic veal: Some female calves grow up to become dairy cows, the other

    calves are processed into tender and tasty organic veal after about six to eight months.

  • Long animal transports are avoided through regional processing.

  • The farmer gets a fair price for his animal

We keep cooking ... and want to show our gratitude

The idea actually came overnight at the beginning of January. After we had started the new year as refreshed and relaxed as we have not been for years, our restaurant still has to remain closed and we are forced into inactivity – except for preparing the take-away menus – we would like to show our gratitude in this way that we are nevertheless doing well.
Since the second half of January, we have been cooking a hearty, delicious stew once a week, which the Salvation Army distributes to the needy and homeless under the King Charles Bridge.
Or Cafe 72, a day centre for people with and without housing, picks up the stew.
We are supported by our suppliers Francesco Armilotta and Omega Sorg.